Autosport 2019, NEC
Our client for this stand teamed up with another company they work closely with, they wanted to share the stand space but still keep their individual identities. We created a visual of their vision for the stand, an exact mirror image of each other with a central meeting room.
A double paneled wall was constructed the length of the stand at 4m high, seamlessly wrapped either side with each companies graphics. To support the large structure the trussing system was constructed around the perimeter of the stand and trussing legs put into place each boxed off, one side with the company name and one side plain. For added support a beam was put into place from the top of the meeting room to the back wall.
The meeting room was designed central to the stand as it needed to be used by both companies. It was kept neutral on the inside with a meeting table and chairs, acrylic windows were put in either side of the room with two reveals instead of doors. This just brought the whole stand together and created a free flow feel and still kept the companies separate.